Twenty Eighth Sunday in the Year (Cycle A)

Parish Phone: 07553 216866 Priest: Fr Joe Okeke 01405 812248

Parish email:

Sat 14th St Callistus I, Pope, Martyr 6pm Vigil Mass in Stainforth Winifred Scott
Sun 15th 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10.30am Mass in Moorends People of both Parishes
Mon 16th St Hedwig, Religious; St Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin
Tue 17th St Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop, Martyr
Wed 18th St Luke, Evangelist No Mass today

11am Funeral Service for

Doris McBurney

2-4pm Asylum outreach in Hall

Thu 19th Ss John de Brebeuf & Isaac Jogues, Priests & their Companions, Martyrs; St Paul of the Cross, Priest
Fri 20th Weekday
Sat 21st Weekday 6pm Vigil Mass in Stainforth Tony Coombs
Sun 22nd 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10.30am Mass in Moorends People of both Parishes

Please remember in your prayers all the sick and housebound of the Parish especially: Ronnie Neilson Jnr, Robert Bailey, Louise Bradley, Billy Mournian, Jim Mason, Ernesto Robertson, Margaret Howe, Keith Watson, Derek Ward, Mary Fretwell, Berni Robertshaw, Doreen Penny, Frank and Sue McDermott, Joan Wilkinson, Michael McEvoy, Lilian Hollidge, Jenny Thomas & Winnie Elks. Please pray also for those who care for the sick and all who grieve.

Remember also those whose anniversaries occur around this time: Brenda Mary O’Brien, James Christopher McAvoy (15th Oct), Baby Luke John Thomasson, Malachy Reynolds (16th Oct), Thomas Lomasney, Francio Doherty (17th Oct), John Herbert Johnson (18th Oct), Jessie Cherowbrier (19th Oct), Thomas Hunter, Mary Adams, Eileen Braithwaite (20th Oct), Sheila Chapman, Maria Theresa Sykes, Thomas Burns (21st Oct), Lily Patricia Towey, Bruno Kotek, Catherine Ann Lister (22nd Oct). May they rest in peace.


THE TWENTY EIGHTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR A: REFLECTION. Opportunities are never lost. What one loses at one end, another gains at the other end. Human refusal to God’s invitation to Salvation and the infidelity of some who had the privilege to accept this invitation but turned it down, cannot thwart or obstruct God’s plan for the redemption of mankind. Rather, it has become a wonderful means of making its fulfilment even more effectual beyond all expectations and imagination. In the parable of the wedding feast, Christ reveals how the chosen people’s rejection of God’s invitation and their infidelity to God’s covenant with them opened a new chapter for the inclusion of the gentile nations in the divine plan for mankind’s redemption. If not for this rejection and infidelity, who amongst the outcasts- the castaways and the undesirables in the society portrayed in this parable would have thought of being considered to sit at the King’s banquet, to taste the rich dinner prepared for the invited guests.

PLEASE HOLD IN PRAYER all the friends and family of Doris McBurney who died recently. Doris’s Funeral Service will take place in Church this Wednesday 18th October at 11am and will be followed by burial in Stainforth Cemetery.

TICKETS FOR THE CHRISTMAS RAFFLE to raise much needed funds for our parish are now on sale in the porch and will be drawn on 2nd December. Prizes include a meal for four at the Toby Carvery, a chocolate basket and many more. There are still three unclaimed Jubilee raffle prizes in the porch – pink 32, blue 300 and green 134. Many thanks for your continued generosity.

HALLAM BRIDGE. Issue number 9 is now available to view on the Hallam Diocese website and there are copies available in the porch. To view the online version please visit Bridge Home – Hallam Diocese (

NEXT SUNDAY IS WORLD MISSION SUNDAY, when the Holy Father invites all Catholics to contribute to this collection for Missio, his charity for world mission. Further details are available in the porch or visit

FOOD BANK. Donations are vital to the Food Bank and ensure it continues to operate. Last week the Foodbank delivered to 5 homes and 23 people came to collect from St Mary’s Church. Many thanks to all who contribute.

PARISH SAFEGUARDING: Contact is Carol Flanagan. Bulletin Produced this week by Anne

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