PALM SUNDAY in the Year – B

Parish Phone: 07553 216866 Priest: Fr Joe Okeke 01405 812248

Parish email:

Sat 23rd St Turibius de Mogrovejo, Bishop 6pm Vigil Mass in Stainforth Patricia Mellon
Sun 24th Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 10.30am Mass in Moorends People of both Parishes
Mon 25th Monday in Easter Week
Tue 26th Tuesday in Easter Week
Wed 27th Wednesday in Easter Week 11am Chrism Mass at St Marie’s
2-4pm Asylum outreach in Hall

6pm Penitential Mass in Stainforth

Thu 28th Maundy Thursday 6pm Holy Thursday Service Moorends
Fri 29th Good Friday 3pm Good Friday Service Stainforth
Sat 30th Holy Saturday 6pm Easter Vigil Mass in Stainforth Patrick Bywater DB
Sun 31st Easter Sunday (Vigil Mass) 10.30am Mass in Moorends People of both Parishes

Please remember in your prayers all the sick and housebound of the Parish especially: Ronnie Neilson Jnr, Robert Bailey, Louise Bradley, Billy Mournian, Jim Mason, Ernesto Robertson, Margaret Howe, Keith Watson, Derek Ward, Mary Fretwell, Berni Robertshaw, Frank and Sue McDermott, Joan Wilkinson, Michael McEvoy, Lilian Hollidge, Jenny Thomas, Erika Ramsey, Bernard and Doris McGough. Please pray also for those who care for the sick and all who grieve.

Remember also those whose anniversaries occur around this time: Doreen Strezelac, Emma Johnson, Elizabeth Vance 24th Mar), Joseph Pye, Margaret Howard (25th Mar), Michael Cook, Ester Young, Mary McKee, Margaret Reddy (26th Mar), Dennis Harrison (27th Mar), Ann Fenton (28th Mar) , Elizabeth Ann Mulligan, Frank Barron, Thomas Moran, Mary Fox, Ruth Tiplady (29th Mar). May they rest in peace.


PASSION SUNDAY REFLECTION. Just as our forty days journey with Christ took us for a start to the desert- a lonely place where we could be with God, so has it taken us up to the mountain in Jerusalem, the Holy city of God. In His triumphant entry into Jerusalem, a large throng followed Him for many and varied reasons. Some followed as mere spectators. Some to sing His praises. Some to see what becomes of Him, and some to mock and jeer at Him during His passion and crucifixion on the cross. But, as Christians, we are called to join and share His suffering so as to share in His glory. As Christians and followers of His, we can hardly come to terms with the significance of Christ’s passion, crucifixion, death and resurrection if we don’t recognise their connection with the reality of our life and world. Given the significance of the mountain and the Temple as God’s closeness to His people, the ultimate goal of Christ’s ascent to this holy place was to take mankind with Him to the heights of God Himself.

WE ARE NOW IN HOLY WEEK and our Vigil Mass tonight begins with the blessing and distribution of palms. A Lenten Service of Reconciliation will take place on Wednesday evening and offers an opportunity to celebrate the Lord’s forgiveness and spend some quiet time in prayer and contemplation before the Easter Triduum. Our Holy Thursday Service will be held in Moorends and the Good Friday Service at 3pm here in Stainforth. Please join us if you can.

THE EASTER RAFFLE draw took place after Mass and the winning numbers are attached. Thanks for all the great prizes including chocolate hampers, Easter eggs, toys, wines and a lovely Garden Lounger. Many thanks for your support in aid of Church Funds.

AS WE APPROACH EASTER we are reminded of conflicts in so many parts of the world: Starvation, siege and destruction in Gaza; daily cruise missile attacks across Ukraine; civilians tortured and starving in Sudan; drug gangs rioting on the streets of Haiti, Iranian missiles from war-torn Yemen cutting off vital shipping lanes; last night’s huge massacre of concert goers in Moscow. In all these conflicts, innocent – and mainly desperately poor people – are being killed, maimed and made homeless in the name of empire and greed. This is just the tip of the iceberg with millions more around the glob suffering poverty, torture, persection and fear. Please remember them and pray for them daily.

FOOD BANK. Donations are vital to the Food Bank and ensure it continues to operate. Last week the Foodbank delivered to 1 home and 20 people came to collect from St Mary’s Church. Many thanks to all who contribute.

PARISH SAFEGUARDING: Contact is Carol Flanagan. Bulletin Produced this week by John